Zoning Update: 305 Chesapeake

Dear Neighbors,

After putting out a call to action, several members of the Southland Hills and West Towson communities addressed the Baltimore County Planning Board as part of the Comprehensive Zoning Map Process (CZMP) on February 27th.  We spoke in opposition to an application from developers to reclassify 305 Chesapeake for more dense development.  Currently a five-story office building sits on this site.  

We presented a variety of concerns including increased noise, traffic, trash, and stressed infrastructure.  The requested zoning change would allow for a wide range of possible uses including, but not limited to, a boutique hotel or multi-story, multi-family residences.  These uses are inconsistent with the residential, owner-occupied character of our neighborhoods.  

While the official recommendation of the planning board is not yet available, all indications suggest this request is unlikely to be approved.  For the time being we can be thankful that our efforts successfully prevented problematic development at this site.  We also acknowledge our responsibility to cooperate with developers to ensure an acceptable solution for all parties involved.  We look forward to continued dialogue toward this end and will look to represent you, our neighbors, throughout the process.  

We appreciate the input, the participation, and the support we have received from many West Towson residents.  We will continue to keep you informed as events develop and only request your continued engagement. 


William Smith
President, WTNA 


Food I like: K-pot Towson


Zoning call to action: 305 Chesapeake