West Towson does Halloween right

West Towson neighbors have many opportunities to celebrate Halloween in and around the neighborhood. This article highlights 5 different events which all lead up to the big bang on Park Av on the night of Halloween.

West Towson PTA Trunk or Treat

Neighbors with elementary aged kids know how great West Towson Elementary School is. Not only do they boast high test scores and a supportive learning environment, but also a host of school and parent sponsored activities. This year, the PTA hosted a first ever Trunk or Treat and movie night. With the support of Towson University Athletics and athletes that attended the event. Check out the PTA photos to see the trunk or treat winners and neighborhood kids in their costumes.

West Towson Neighbors meet at the Great Halloween Lantern Parade in Patterson Park

A benefit of the neighborhood is proximity to all the cool events that the City has to offer. This year was no different as a group of neighbors met to take in the Lantern Parade that is put on by the Creative Alliance. The annual lantern parade in Patterson Park is where thousands of onlookers gather to witness an illuminated parade which fills the park with intricately crafted lanterns. The vibrant procession highlights creativity and celebrations of different cultures as it weaves through the park; all with accompanying drum lines and dancers from across the area. Even neighborhood school, ICS, got in on the action by participating in the parade.

1st ever Spookiest House contest

For the first time ever, the West Towson Neighborhood Association hosted a Spookiest house contest. The Kazam family won bragging rights and a stylish West Towson Travel mug. I’d be a lie to say that we weren’t swayed by the realism of the decor in the red dress :) Thank you to everyone who shared their decorations.

West Towson Trunk or Treat

Not to be confused with the West Towson Elementary School Trunk or Treat, our very own Trunk or Treat in the Dinosaur Park was a hit this year. With over 300 guests on the RSVP, the park and Bykota was packed with the Halloween spirit. A special thank you to the Bruce Damasio for leading the event organization for another year, to neighborhood volunteers, and to our partners at Bykota who co-host the event. The weather, costumes, and pizza delivery all worked to our favor.

Trick or Treating in the neighborhood (esp. Park Av)
Finally, no Halloween in West Towson is complete without the actual day itself. Though there are many great streets for Trick or Treating in the neighborhood, we can all agree that Park outdid itself like every year. Park Av showed off its hospitality again as they hosted 100’s if not 1000’s of children clamoring for Candy.


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